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At this time, we are meeting in-person and masks are optional with monitoring of our regional covid situation. 


COVID-19 Mitigation Plan


This mitigation plan approved by the Fairbanks Lutheran Church (FLC) council on December 15, 2020 follows the guidelines established by the State of Alaska. It is intended to allow for business of the church to proceed while mitigating the risk of COVID-19 transmission for our safety. There are varying perspectives on the appropriate response to the ongoing situation. It is our duty and responsibility to show our Christian love for one another by making these important, temporary changes in the life of our congregation, usage of our facility, and worship services depending on the local conditions.


If someone is sick or at higher risk:   
  1. Anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, has been around someone who had tested positive for COVID-19 in past 14 days, or has any symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to refrain from coming to the church.

  2. Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 after being at church will be asked to notify pastor as soon as possible. Their name will be kept strictly confidential.  The church will notify others who were present on the same day.  The church will follow CDC and IDPH guidelines about closing the building for sanitizing after a confirmed case.

  3. Anyone in groups considered by the CDC at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 will be encouraged to heed the CDC’s guidance and remain at home. This includes those age 65 and older and people with a variety of underlying health conditions.  Inasmuch as possible, we will rely on volunteers who do not fall into the higher-risk categories for liturgists, hosts, audio/video techs, and guest musicians.

Coming and Going:
  1. If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and attended a Fairbanks Lutheran Church function in the last 14 days, please call the church so we can inform other attendees while keeping your confidentiality and working with the health officials in our area.

  2. Please perform self-screening prior to coming to church. If you are feeling sick for any reason, have a temperature of 100.4F or more, or see that your children do not feel well, please do not come to church. If you have been in contact with someone within the last 14 days who has tested positive for COVID-19, please do not come to church, but call the church so we can pray for your health and ensure that you can continue to connect with FLC online.

  3. Every person will be required to wear a face mask/covering while inside the church building. We ask that each member of your family bring one (excluding children under 2 years of age). We will provide a face mask for anyone arriving without one. If you are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons or any other reason, we encourage you to stay home and engage with FLC online for the time being.

  4. Please greet each other with warm with friendly words but no handshakes or hugs.

  5. When possible, maintain at least 6 feet between you and any fellow congregants, unless that person is in your immediate household.

  6. Every attending household will be asked to provide our greeters with their name and phone number on Sunday mornings to enable us to contact them in the event of any unfortunate exposure.

  7. There will be no coffee or food service in the commons until further notice.

  8. Based on current attendance allowances and capacities, pre-registration is not needed.

Worship Service (onsite)
  1. The service will be shortened somewhat to last 45 minutes to an hour, maximum. This reduces the time people are in the building and allows extra time for orderly exit, with worshipers dismissed row by row.

  2. Printed bulletin will be provided. Bulletins will contain everything for the service.  Bulletins will be placed on the table at the entrance before the service (not given out by hosts), by a volunteer who has washed and sanitized hands or is wearing gloves.  Bulletins will also be available online on the church website if people prefer using their own smartphone or tablet.

  3. We will have a basket on the welcome table for members to place their offering envelopes. We will not be passing around an offering plate during the service. Electronic giving will also be encouraged. If you would like information about how to give electronically please contact the church office during business hours.

  4. Singing limited to singers positioned at the front of the sanctuary. There will be no choral singing or congregational singing. Special guest musicians, both vocalists and instrumentalists, will be included in the service each week to offer musical variety. Other creative ways of participating musically (e.g., bells, percussion) may be included from time to time.

  5. All music used in the service must be either in the public domain or covered by our copyright licenses. The church has obtained a CCLI and One License, for printing and streaming music.

  6. Initially we are using pre-packaged elements which include a wafer and grape juice in a disposable cup. These elements will be on the table at the entrance when people arrive for worship on Sundays. We also invite people to bring their own elements from home for their household only; they will be blessed along with the provided pre-packaged elements during our communion time. We may explore other means of receiving communion in the future.

  1. Unfortunately, at this time, we will not have nursery care, children’s ministry or youth ministry on Sunday mornings to limit contact between household. We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may cause for you or your family. Please know that our worship services are open to and designed for the entire family.

  2. Parents, please have a discussion with your children prior to coming to church on the importance of following these health and safety guidelines.


Online worship service will continue to be offered each Sunday.  Livestreaming on Facebook will be recorded by volunteers. We will continue to upgrade and develop our visual and audio equipment to increase the quality of streaming and videos, and to enhance the worship experience.


Tracking: The administrative assistant will keep a record of those who enter the facility during their regular office hours. If entering the facility outside of this time please email the administrative assistant at you will only need to state that you entered the facility and when.


Food and Fellowship: Until further notice food and drink will not be shared at the FLC facility.


Baptism: Will be accomplished by the parents/sponsors putting the water on their child while the pastor extends hands in blessing and says the baptismal words.


Funerals and Weddings: As local conditions dictate gatherings, each event will be on a case by case basis.


Meetings: Groups who are associated with the worship and ministry of FLC will be meeting virtually if possible. If it is not possible to meet virtually and they need to use the church building they will be required to notify the church office and abide by the social distancing guidelines laid out in the above sections of this document. These groups include, but are not limited to: confirmation, Bible Study, Governing Council, committees, etc.


Pastoral Visitation: Pastor will visit with members on a case by case basis. Please contact the church office during business hours.


Community Room: The community room will continue to be available for groups who wish to use the space. The groups who chose to use that space will agree to abide by the previous rules laid out by FLC (see “Attachment 1”). We believe that offering up this space for local AA and NA groups, and others, is a ministry that we need to continue to offer this community in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Disclaimer: We, as the leadership of FLC, know that our circumstances are changing frequently. Our Reopening Task Force and Governing Council are working together to plan and revise this document when needed.


Community Room Guidelines

No smoking inside building, No alcohol (other than for communion) or Drugs may be brought into or used in building or on the property, No unsupervised children, No Thermostat adjustment, Areas of use must be restored to pre-use condition (including furniture placement) and cleanliness, all trash bags emptied and placed in dumpster located in the rear of building, Turn off all water faucets, appliances (coffee makers, stoves, ovens etc…) and lights, Close and latch all windows, and Securely close and lock all outside doors.

  1. Prior to entering answer COVID-19 Questions below

  2. At this time each group should require masks when meeting.

  3.  Contact information for all who attend in case there is a need to follow up. (Date of meeting, First Name and Contact Number)

  4. 6 feet of social distancing.

  5. Bring own coffee/water

  6. Wipe down all surfaces of contact, this includes door knobs and light switches.

  7. If bathroom is used wipe down toilet, sink, and towel dispenser


Covid-19 Questions:
  1.  Have you recently traveled by airplane, train, car, etc, and an area with known spread of been COVID -19?

  2. Have you come into close contact (within 6 feet) with someone who has a laboratory confirmed COVID -19 diagnosis in the past 14 days?

  3. Do you have a fever (greater than 100.0) OR symptoms of lower respiratory illness such as cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat or loss of smell or taste?

  4. Have you associated with anyone in the last few days with a fever, cough, or shortness of breath?

  5. Are you a first responder, healthcare worker or employee, or attendee of a child or adult care center?

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